“In the heart of the Church we shall be love.”

— St. Therese of Lisieux

“Contemplation is not an escape from reality, enclosed in a protected oasis, but an opening of the heart and life to the power that truly transforms the world, that is, God’s love,”

— Pope Francis

The Committee of Contemplative Nuns of Canada


Encouraged by the 1965 decree, "Perfectae Caritatis",

the contemplative women of Canada formed the Canadian Union of Contemplative Women Religious (U.C.R.C).

In 2014 the U.C.R.C. restructured to become a committee within the Canadian Religious Conference (C.R.C.).

The Committee is a voluntary association of contemplative religious members of the Canadian Religious Conference (CRC). It aims to:

  • provide links between communities;

  • organise formation activities specific to the life of contemplative nuns;

  • develop knowledge of doctrine and practices of their members;

  • participate in all studies and research on the contemplative life and its place in the Church and in society;promote the responsibility of collaboration and mutual support;

  • foster links with other similar groups or associations;

  • ensure relationships with other religious bodies, particularly the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB);

  • represent, if need be the contemplative religious before the authorities.

The Council

  • Mother Marie of the Good Shephard

    Coordinator, link with CRC, finances

  • Sister Claire O.P.


  • Danielle Julien, fmic

    Representing the C.R.C.

The General Assembly of Contemplatives 2018